Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Barack In Toyota

We parked downtown..

and skipped most of the line around the block

lots of people waited for 4 hours or more in a line around the stadium,
but in the office we doctored an email so everyone could have a 'ticket'- it worked!

to the left

to the right

lots of bored photogs
(they're going to Ohio tomorrow)

Candy Crowley's camera guy looked like a drunkard fishmonger

yup, that sez Texas.

the view from the floor

this photo is so fucking cheezy.


  1. Thanks for the insight. However, If you're posting stuff about Obama and going to stuff like this then I think it's necessary for you to explain why you do or don't like/support him. Otherwise this is just pointless...

  2. What if I don't have a point?

  3. Then I would ask for the reason why you write.

  4. ...or post photos of controversial events with no commentary next to highly passionate and opinionated articles about Art.

  5. This is my document. You can read it however you would like!

    I am opinionated about art and people, I am not devoted to any political system.

    I was there for the aesthetics.

  6. Besides, it's not like national politics are ever on the stage in Houston. It is on my mind and in my town. It'll be gone soon enough.

  7. Why didnt you post the pic of us?? I like it!


  8. Very unfortunate to read. Just about everything on your site, including the site itself are examples of the fruits of our collective labor under a free society. To see you shrug off national politics so easily is very disheartening because it reveals the true value of your admiration and involvement with the arts, which is not much because it doesn't seem like you're willing to protect the lifestyle. Simply expressing your opinion is even in jeopardy right now, as evidenced at the "FREE PUBLIC" event you are showcasing here which so blatantly banned bags, cameras and signs.I've even seen people with their own signs being forcibly removed from his events. What a great precursor for what's to come.

    I'd actually be surprised to know if you even take any of these words seriously. Probably not. Worth a good laugh at least, eh?

    I felt it necessary to point some of this out because I have been enjoying aspects of your blog but are beginning to not take anything you say seriously because I don't read any substance, worth or reasoning in these posts. What exactly are you trying to accomplish because being a promoter is much easier than blogging...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Haha. Go fuck yourself. I don't need your shitty political trash.

    I'm an anarchist. Unless we all control our own free will there will never be a reason for me to dig the political trenches that shield you, anonymous, from the world.

    Believe you me I'm a political fighter. I'm just not on your side and you'll have to live with that.

    Aesthetics are politics, y vice versa, by the way.

  11. I mean no offense by that.

  12. Hey! Great blog!

    I hope you don't mind if I post and refer/credit to your fotos and blog!

    Pictures can say a lot!


    Go Obama! (hope you don't mind that either!)
