Monday, January 7, 2008


Pull here to release airbag

Artforum should really get someone from Houston to write for them. Why would they ask the director of Creative Capital, Margaret Sundell, to write a preview of A Rose Has No Teeth at the Menil? She lives in New York and wrote the blurb after reading a press release!

Here's her bio: Margaret Sundell, Director, Arts Writers Grant Program
Margaret Sundell is a critic, editor and art historian based in New York City. A former art editor of "Time Out New York" and a founding editor of "Documents" Magazine, she has written extensively for these publications, as well as for "Artforum," to which she has been a regular contributor since 1999. Ms. Sundell has taught art history and critical theory at Columbia University, the Whitney Museum of American Art and, most recently, Parsons the New School of Design, where she was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Art Criticism.

Hmmmmm..... wasn't that the Arts Writers Grant Program accused of ridiculously incestuous grant awards last year?


  1. That Artforum page is for previews, not reviews. ("compiled from Artforum's three-times-yearly exhibition preview," and written in the future tense). Artforum's review was written by someone named Pamela E Lee from Stanford. Not to be confused with Pamela A Lee -- a video pioneer in her own right, of course, but unfortunately not figured into this current exhibition. Maybe next time.

  2. i apologize for my mistake, there will be more accountability around here!!! not really.

    thanks for the heads up- did Pamela come down and check out Montrose? I hope so but I doubt it.

    Tough to google Pamela A Lee- Pamela Anderson's ass gets in the way!

  3. Your google results were correct. Next season a gallery downtown is going to show paintings derived from her pioneering video work.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
