Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday Morning Cartoons

A little Jason Villegas for ya!

from Celestial Situations

from Okay Mountain

from Plush

Black Cosmic Beast Footlocker Transformation, 2007
from Western Exhibitions

2-D Dragon Salesman, 2006

Lil' Katamari, 2007

beauty pagent reject, 2006

Ultrabastard Salesman Dragon Brand

Ultra Bastard Salesman Dragon Brand, video projection, 3 min. 20 sec

The dragon brand Ultra Bastard salesman shows off the dragun UB survival companion
made to fight back against the Lacoste brand UBSC
that burns dragon children with it's hot black anal fluids...yum!

Installation shot from Beast Taxidermy

UB Shrine

Black Beast Hears His Calling

Macho Ministries in LIC, NYC Oct. Friday 13th 2006
doing some gay MJ covers joined by a distended intestine (aka pink sock)
and puckered anus (aka yo mama)...ouch!


  1. The first image is not from Okay Mountain, but from Mexi-Cate Museum. Jason was in this show about Young Latinos.

  2. Thanks, Rachel.

    I found it on Okay Mountain's site is all.

  3. well I'll leave it blank actually. This article has it at Okay Mountain, but I'm not sure...
