Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Quanell X, in a World War II-era railcar Monday,
was welcomed by leaders of the Holocaust Museum Houston to take a tour.
photo by Billy Smith II, Chronicle

Activist Quanell X has apologized to the Jewish community for previous virulent remarks with a visit to the Holocaust Museum and a statement:

"I apologize to every Jewish (Holocaust) survivor that may have heard anything I have ever said," Quanell said at the end of his tour, which culminated with his placing a stone at an outside memorial, a Jewish custom at a gravesite. "How could I say anything in a vile, malicious or repugnant manner to anyone who has been in one of these camps? I should have never threatened like that.

"I seek the forgiveness of every survivor who has heard the words I've said," he continued. "I did not say them in the proper manner to make the point I was trying to get across. I can see and understand how they might be utterly paranoid (of) a person such as myself."

Quanell's original words are from the Million Man March, when he said:

24-year-old Quanell X told the gathering that offended Jews "can go straight to hell," then expounded on his sentiments to a Chicago Tribune reporter.

"The real deal is this: Black youth do not want a relationship with the Jewish community or the mainstream white community or the foot-shuffling, head-bowing, knee-bobbing black community," Quanell said. "I say to Jewish America: Get ready ... knuckle up, put your boots on because we're ready and the war is going down."

The article in today's Houston Chronicle has already gathered 550 comments in 13 hours on their website, a panorama of opinions from Houstonians.

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