Thursday, January 3, 2008


December 31st
The Silo

Fifth Ward, Houston, Texas

44 years after Argentine artist Marta Minujín created the first Happening in Paris the American Wandering Club designed their own version.

In the original La Destrucción the artist destroyed all her artwork, inviting others like Christo and Lourdes Castro to burn paintings and mattresses.

Seeking a more collaborative event the American Wandering Club invited artists to bring work from 2007 to The Silo on December 31st in order to usher in the New Year.

At 4:44 pm paintings and sculptures were lit aflame.

Eli Baumgarten

Shane Tolbert

Marcus Cone's symphony compositions

Vanessa Voss, paintings and a thesis

Brian Moss and Gasoline

Brian's drawings, paintings, writing and thesis

Scott Stapp!!!

more pics (thanks Eli and Kelli!!!) HERE.

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