Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thanks Kelly!

not this one but in the same room...
Max Ernst

Kelly Nipper, whose Perspectives show is up at the CAMH until Sunday, wrote a few choice words about Houston in the new issue of Artforum:

The Artists' Artists
To take stock of the past year, Artforum contacted
an international group of artists to find out
which exhibitions were, in their eyes,
the very best of 2007.

The Surrealism Galleries(Menil Collection, Houston) and
the Adolpho Leimer Collection of Brazilian Constructive Art
(Museum of Fine Arts, Houston)
This fall I was reminded why I do what I do
after seeing two inspiring, supersensual and visual collections
of work in Houston. Two gems were a 1942 drawing
on pink paper of a pair of fantastical aquatic bird people
by Max Ernst, and Metaesquema, Vermehlo cortando o branco
(Red Going through White) 1958,
a red and white painting by Helio Oiticica.

With all the hubub and constantly squawking hens in LA its nice to know that to sometimes a visit to Houston is better.

1 comment:

  1. i wished i woulda got her phone number, i think she is my type.

