Friday, December 28, 2007

La Destrucción: New Year's Eve

La Destrucción
American Wandering Club at The Silo
4601 Clinton Drive
Houston, Texas

44 years after Argentine artist Marta Minujín created the first Happening in Paris the American Wandering Club will usher in 2008 with their own version. In the original La Destrucción the artist destroyed all her artwork, inviting others like Christo and Lourdes Castro to burn paintings and mattresses. Seeking a more collaborative event the American Wandering Club has invited artists to bring work from 2007 to The Silo on December 31st in order to usher in the New Year. At 4:44 pm paintings and sculptures will be lit aflame, immediately followed by a performance by the Windham Brothers.

Please join us at 4 pm New Year’s Eve in the Warehouse District at The Silo, a former grain warehouse without a ceiling and a perfect view of the sky. Festivities will continue throughout the night presented by ACK, the Art Car Klub. Artists will include Betsy Askew, Paul Barces, Joey Bender, Adrian Brooks, Eli Brumbaugh, Sean Carroll, Brian Moss, Brian Rod, Shane Tolbert, and Vanessa Voss. Please call 832-724-9464 for more information.

To Do List: Houstoned Blog about it HERE.

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