Monday, November 26, 2007

That's One Way To Do It

I wouldn't hold my breath for the windfall that Xnihilo Gallery will provide you, but for anyone out there wanting to put SOMETHING SOMEWHERE....

Xnihilo Gallery is looking for Artist to show in the gallery. If you are interesting in showing or want to be part of a group show, please leave you submission with the Barista at Taft Street coffee to be put in the Gallery's mail box. Submissions need to be in by December 1st and should include a CD with 10-20 images of current work in JPG format, Artist statement and proposed pricing for current body or work, Resume with art background & Exhibition Record, and a brief letter of show intent. All submissions are reviewed anonymously so please leave your name off all submitted documents and include a separate sheet with contact information.

Email with any questions.

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