Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Katrina looses her ArtHouse Prize

from craigslist Austin

So this is a kind of embarrassing and definitely a long shot but here it is:

On Friday night, my beautiful and extremely talented girlfriend Katrina Moorhead won the prestigious ArtHouse Texas Prize. This is a prize given every other year to the best emerging artist in Texas (who, as a jury of artist and curators decided, is clearly katrina). It is a big honor and quite prestigious. At the awards ceremony they presented her with the award, a troupe of dancing women in cowboy outfits, and a commemorative belt buckle. They also presented all of us with copious amounts of free alcohol.

To make a long and slightly fuzzy story short, we left stubbs (the site of the ceremony), went for a celebratory dance party at the Beauty Bar, had a celebratory slice of pizza, and then made a long and celebratory stumble back to the Radisson where we were staying. Upon our arrival we came to the shocking realization that the belt buckle was no longer in Katrina's bag where she had put it. It had disappeared along with several ugly t-shirts, a commemorative plate, several breakfast tacos (?), and some other crappy pap somewhere between her receiving it on stage and us getting into the elevator. She went back out looking for it, but to no avail. The following day we retraced our steps. We talked to the lovely people at the Beauty Bar and the pizza truck, none of whom had found a large belt buckle.

As you can imagine this is somewhat upsetting, not to mention extremely embarrassing. It is kind of like winning a gold medal at the olympics, then getting wasted on jager shots with the women's speed skating team and waking up in a snowbank with a parking cone on your head and realizing your gold medal is gone.

The Belt Buckle is a large silver oval with the words ArtHouse Texas Prize 2007 on it. It was in blue jewelry box, which you probably already know if you found it. While we all know that it is cool and ironic to rock the giant belt buckle, this is a belt buckle who's real owner would really like to rock it, so if you found it please return it. There is a reward, or you have the option to trade it in for another cool belt buckle. Or, if you wanted to, you could even go check out her show (which is still up at arthouse), realize that she is, in fact, the best emerging artist in texas, and re-award it to her in a special ceremony.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Dudes
    Katrina's friend is a good dude. What's your problem with someone representing for his lady. Not humiliated enough? Are we having a laugh?

  4. aw, come on... a little ribbing never hurt anyone. how he wrote it is funny enough- but the two references to how she deserves it so much and the triple use of 'celebratory' in one sentence are grounds for pompous assness...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. actually I thought it was just funny too. and self-deprecating. more of a description of how much drink was available at that party than anything else.

  7. only into ribbing when it's for pleasure...

    i think my man was being funny on porpoise in his original post.

    just trying to sloe gin fizz some of y'all haters.

  8. i vote pompous ass

  9. ok, it might be written as a joke, but i'm having a laugh!

  10. bs joke is on you. you made sure of that.
