Monday, October 8, 2007

A Slight Impression

Le Pont d Argenteuil
, Claude Monet 1874 -before the punchline

What happens when you throw an all night party at the Musee d'Orsay? Shit happens. Check it out HERE.


  1. It really is a stunning painting. I'd snatch it off the wall rather than punch it.

    I'd punch the guy who punched it, though. Geez ... I think I would be more inclined towards killing him. Most lives aren't worth a Monet. I hope it was an accident.

  2. Most lives aren't worth a Monet? That's fucked up. Most Monets aren't worth a life.

  3. hmm... I'm trying to decide, Sean, if your comment is simply pro-life or anti-Monet...

  4. Ha ha ... you're right. That's far better. Indeed there are only a few Monet's worth a life.

  5. well its not anti-Monet, I don't mind the man in context. It sure was funny to see it so starkly though- a painting or a dead body? huh.
