Thursday, October 18, 2007

A/V Swap 2007 Info

From Michelle Hempton:

Hello Everyone,

It is once again time for the annual A/V Swap!!!!! This year should prove to be the best year yet as the event will premiere at the Angelika Theater in downtown Houston. We will be accepting pieces no longer than 5 minutes from now until 11/9. Films must be in PC-readable format and music should be in MP3 format. There is a $10 submission fee that includes two free tickets to one of the showings. Below are the deadlines and rules for submissions. If you have any questions or comments feel free to email us or check out our new website at:

Timeline and Tasks

11/9 (Friday) - Entry and Submission Deadline

All participants will have to enter and submit their work by this date. They can be dropped off to us at the Post Office on West Gray and Dunlavy or mailed to:

The A/V Swap
P.O. Box 130953
Houston TX 77219

11/11 (Sunday) - Swap Day

A panel will randomly match composers with the submitted films and filmmakers with the submitted compositions.

11/11 (Sunday) to 12/2 (Sunday) - Project Development Period

At this time, participants will have three weeks to create their work. Filmmakers will create footage for the music they are given and composers will create compositions for the film they receive.

12/2 (Sunday) - Project Deadline

All projects must be completed by this date in order to ensure that they will be showcased at the Angelika premiere event.

12/3 (Monday) to 12/11 (Tuesday) - Project Collection and Showcase Preparations

At this time, the A/V Swap panel will collect the finished pieces of work, prepare a compilation DVD of all completed works, and prepare for the premiere.

12/13 (Thursday) and 12/14(Friday) - The Main Event:

A/V Swap Premier at Angelika from 7pm-10pm on Thursday and

Special Midnight Showing at Landmark Greenway on Friday

In order to accommodate the expected increased attendance and exposure, there will be 2 nights of viewing.

TBA -After Party- (This is when participants will have the opportunity to meet the people that created compositions or footage for their work, allowing them to expand their networking circle and discuss their work.)

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