Friday, September 7, 2007

Waiting For the Paper...

So I was waiting for the Chron to post their photos from Diverseworks' opening last night, and now they're up HERE. Guess who's ugly ass is up on there? Yours truly! The photog apparantly missed all of the artists (curator Sasha Dela is up there) and the Diverseworks kids like Shawna Forney and Diane Barber, but Jordan Graber did catch partygoers and pieces of cake.

David McGee's installation is huge- he's going for a Don Quixote vibe with a windmill going through the roof and an installation of boxing gloves on worn poles nearby. His 'glorious failure' aesthetic has always come through in his paintings, and as the recent watercolors attest, McGee is going back to the classical... whatever that means. The Diverseworks archives are curated into a chock-full curio room in the front, instead of going for exemplary pieces or concentrating on symbolic singularities, the sheer volume of information is a very overwhelming introduction to 25 years of history. Rachel Cook was in her embroidered chef's jacket, diligently handing out lemon cake.

new logo for DWorks, whaddya think?


  1. Oh good. I'm in there too.

  2. Yup! Frank's there too.

    Franks got more pics from last night @
