Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday Morning Cartoons

Here's some Dawolu Jabari Anderson for ya...

The Diabolical Uncle Ben, 2005



The Smok’n Ethiopian, 2005

Negro Week, 2006

Frederick Douglas Self-Defense Manual Series,
Infinite Step Escape Technique #1: Hand Seeks Cotton, 2005


  1. These are neat-o.

    How does he work? Are these on found, antique paper? Is it Gauche? Is there anywhere to see them?

    The illustration is superb. Clever.

    New to me. Thanks.

  2. Jabari's work is up in Austin at the Arthouse Prize, and he is part of the otabenga jones collective opening their next exhibit at the Menil this Thursday!

    (I think he weathers all his stuff himself, the paper is quite beaten and there is definitely a hefty clear acrylic to them over it all)
