Sunday, September 16, 2007


Looks like U of H is now selling their student email list to more than just loan providers, judging by this gem of a job offer:

Hello XXX,

If you are looking for a job to do during the following semester,
perhaps you will be interested in what we are offering this year. The job in
question takes little time and requires no special qualifications.

Did you know that there are companies, so concerned with the quality of
their services that they are willing to pay young, attentive people to
do field testing and bring back reports on how services and products
can be improved? Your job would be visiting banks, restaurants, movie
theatres, shops, grocery stores, etc. as a real customer with the slight
difference that afterwards you have to write an evaluation report and
send it back to the company that has hired you.

If you are interested and you would like to receive more information,
simply reply to this message. Thank you.

Zachary Harlan

What company do you send the report to? Hmmm.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I received the same e-mail... Isn't that some BS.
