Monday, September 17, 2007

Maggie, Maggie... Why You Gotta Be A Hater?

Maggie Battaliano, the new head of Commerce Street Artists Warehouse since the Community Bylaws were thrown out by the city of Houston, is getting a little nervous about how she treated former resident Skeez 181. With an impending Houston Press feature by Troy Schulze in the works she should be. After throwing the artist out of his own Chinhui Ome event in August along with everyone else in the building, Battaliano went on to remove Skeez from the building during last week's COLOR1 show and had a tense moment again when the artist and Aztec dancer Javier popped over to the old warehouse from their new digs down on Telephone to do a photo-op for the Press. Can't wait to see what Troy's got to say!

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