Monday, September 10, 2007


Mel Chin, 9-11 / 9*11, 2005-7

Free screening of Mel Chin's new movie 9-11 / 9*11 at the MFAH
tomorrow at 6pm. Free. Color. 22 Minutes.

September 11, 1973: Santiago, Chile. September 11, 2001: New York City. The Chilean military coup of President Allende ushered in 17 years of autocratic rule that left countless victims of torture and more than 3,000 dead. The terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers of New York´s World Trade Center forever scarred the security of the American people. In this somber animated short, Houston artist Mel Chin tells a tale of two cities, a tragedy of two times, through a story of love and hope wrecked by overt and covert manipulations of power. Part of a global dialogue about the human impact of these collective traumas, 9-11/9-11 debuted at the MFAH as a work in progress in 2006.

"Following the screening, an exclusive live video conference will be transmitted from New York City and Santiago, Chile. Beginning at 7:00 p.m., the Houston audience will "witness" commentary and discourse from both countries. The real-time interplay will be projected on the big screen in the Brown Auditorium Theater. Citizens from two cities that were transfigured by tragic 9-11 circumstances 28 years apart will be given time for individual expression and recollection. The transmission will pause for a rescreening of 9-11/9-11 and return to a view of live bi-city audience response. The evening concludes at approximately 9:00 p.m. CST."

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