Friday, August 3, 2007


Friday show: Now it's got a name! The Daniel Radcliffe Dong Party; although I seriously doubt either the Daniel Radcliffe or the Dong Party content of the show.

Exhibit will be held in the graduate painting studios of the University of Houston Art Building; which has been whitewashed in anticipation of the new school year. Look for artwork from Norberto Gomez, Jeanne Casanova, Cody Ledvina, Sean Carroll, Sebastian Foray, Cheyenne Ramos and Group 925- who invite everyone to add to their sprawling, humorous collaborative drawings. 4th Floor, UH Fine Art Building (above the Blaffer Gallery) 6-9pm, call 832-724-9464 for more information. As Cody Ledvina's titillating flyer professes "bring stuff".

Did I forget to mention those kids up on the 4th floor have their own group? After Gus Kopriva of Redbud Gallery made a few impromptu visits to the art department unannounced after hours and couldn't find a student working on art at night he slammed their commitment to their practice, saying "they're all 9 to 5 painters up there." The kids from the 4th floor took the insult in stride, dubbing themselves Group 925. Without feeling threatened by the memory of all night painting and drinking at the University of Houston Art Department in the late 70s and 80s- the Lawndale years- Group 925 works outside their studios often; starting galleries, building houses in Marfa, chopping motorcycles, playing guitars and traveling through Haiti.

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