Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Texas on an even Keel

Texas Gallery's opening last night was alright- a solid show of drawings with a couple of weak link paintings... The small Julie Mehretu piece was not really worth it, Sharon Engelstein's computer aided drawings were a bit stiff compared to her sculptural work, Jeff Elrod's die cut CAD drawing on color field canvas were interestingly manufactured but visually flat. Kristen Calabrese painted a picture of hanging paper link decorations- the only representational painting in the show- that had WAY too prominent placement and interrupted the flow of the show.

Curator Susie Rosemarin (can you be a curator and an exhibiting artist?) put together a good sampling of Houston and Houston-related artists for this summer show but dealing with the oddly gargantuan main gallery of the gallery by hanging at 60" leaves so much to be desired (and so much white space)... It was nice to see artist Jeff Yerger come out to check on one of his favorite subjects, "Lines"... CAMH Interim Director Linda Shearer was an early bird at the show chatting up the town...


  1. it's Jeff Yerger

  2. I'm glad you didn't say you hated my painting...

  3. I didn't hate it... it was cool...

  4. I like how one of your occupations is "victim"... awesome..
