Friday, August 31, 2007

Loaded Up on The Sevens (and sixes and eights)

Man! Everyone is having an opening next week, who knows how this turf war will pan out. Everyone wants to grab the momentum at the beginning of the fall season, but why fight about it? We could all get along with a little coordination around here but the lack of press releases and schedules in August loaded next weekend with at least 9 openings a day. Pick your pony!

All openings September 6th from 6-9pm (give or take an hour)

Ellen Orseck (@ O'Kane)

North Downtown- Diverseworks: new David McGee paintings and drawings, Sasha Dela curates the archives, Rachel Cook hands out cake and sentiment. Vine Street (Fotofest): Clint Wilour curates a photo show. UH Downtown (O'Kane): Sumo wrestlers and cupcakes!!! Sweet!

Main @ Alabama- CTRL Gallery: artists from Bryan, TX, Vancouver and Iceland. Inman: colorful Texans Emily Sloan and Richard Ruello. Finesilver: Three slick installation/ intricate construction sculptors. Kinzelman: some dude named Conrad Bakker.

Richmond- McClain Gallery: decadent fantasyish collage paintings (kinda on the CTRL aesthetic)

River Oaks- Meredith Long: Sporting and Wildlife (no joke)

All openings September 7th from 6-9pm (give or take an hour)

William Cannings (@ Anya Tish)

The Big Block (4411 Montrose)- Barbara Davis: uber-pastiche craziness. Joan Wich: A Dutch painter who loves blue. Wade Wilson: who knows, they didn't update their site. Anya Tish: blown out tires of steel lacquered in candy coating. Peel Shop: fragile and luxurious things from London's Royal College of Art.

University of Houston- Blaffer: two shows, one about bluebirds in West Texas and the other a survey of a Saatchi painter.

Montrose- Art League Houston: two exhibits by Dixie Friend Gay. Glassell: for Glassell grads, Practice Makes Perfect!

West End: Poissant: Subdued destruction as aesthetic coherence. Booker-Lowe: Same Aboriginal art time, same Aboriginal art channel.

Richmond- Sicardi has an opening, but I'm not sure if it is Friday or Saturday.

All openings September 8th from 6-9pm (give or take an hour)

Pang-Chieh Hsu (@ Hooks-Epstein)

Midtown- Sonja Roesch: a painter who doesn't paint.

Richmond (Gallery Row)- All of 'em! Hooks-Epstein: A realist Chinese drawer. New Gallery: Abstracty painter (kinda like the McClain show) Moody: Suzanne Bloom, Ed Hill, MANUAL War and Peace and Quiet. McMurtrey: a modernist painter. Goldesberry: jewelry, I think... More photos and painting and stuff as well!

River Oaks- Texas: The same guy putting his photos of cowboy boots and bluebirds at the Blaffer.

North Downtown- CSAW: One show of graffiti, another of interdisciplinary UH kids.

Heights- Super Happy Fun Land: more paintings for punk rock kids and hippies. Art Car Museum: get your war on...

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