Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Daniel Radcliffe Dong Party

Update on the Friday show: Now it's got a name! The Daniel Radcliffe Dong Party; although I seriously doubt either the Daniel Radcliffe or the Dong Party content of the show.

Did I forget to mention those kids up on the 4th floor have their own group? After Gus Kopriva of Redbud Gallery made a few impromptu visits to the art department unannounced after hours and couldn't find a student working on art at night he slammed their commitment to their medium, saying "they're all 9 to 5 painters up there." The kids from the 4th floor took the insult in stride, dubbing themselves Group 925. Without feeling threatened by the memory of all night painting and drinking at the University of Houston Art Department in the late 70s and 80s- the Lawndale years- Group 925 works outside their studios often; starting galleries, building houses in Marfa, chopping motorcycles, playing guitars and traveling through Haiti.


  1. I know I should be raving about how sexy he is and everything but thats not it at all....

    He is marvelous and this "PLAY" he was godly, just amazing... I knew I could expect such marvelous talent from him...

  2. Some people think he ugly but i want to tie him to my bed and shove my cock up his ass and make love to him all night

  3. LOL! Totally agree with the above comment, maybe we could tag team?

  4. he's hot. just take that red-ish figure of his Ding Dong =P
    I wanna see more!!

  5. that is like totally disturbing! you guys just like it because you wouldn't mind have an orgasim with the first guy you see.

  6. Ok you dont want to see more it is gross! I am not crazy about him now...... I used tooooo.

  7. ZOMG I got nothing more to say then: this is totally disturbing cause he's GROSS!!!!! And from the size of that red dot on his you know what I can only say DAMN that's small!!!

  8. i totally think he is HOTT!! but the fact that he would do this is just weird, and what about all of the harry potter fans that look up to they see this and they think bad things about him, i totally love him no matter who he is, harry, or himself but i love him and he is totally hott!!!!!mwah

  9. his kinda hot but his really small in the pants my boyfriends is bigger

  10. i think if he's courageous enough to appear naked for purely theatrical reasons it doesn't matter how big he is. we don't all take extenz or enzyte or whatever. i think he's very cute.

  11. oops!! I respect him

  12. There are a lot of people who think he is ugly, but I think the opposite!!!!

  13. goodness gracious... naked albino wizard boy doesn't get much better than this does it?
    ( O 3 o )

  14. Dan isn't gay. I have a photo of the original dong shot. His dong is in proportion to the rest of him. I wish he wouldn't do this kind of publicity seeking. Most of us could have gone thru our entire lives without seeing Dan's private parts. But he doesn't want to be type cast as Harry Potter all of his life so he's doing all this dumb stuff in an effort to break that image.

  15. If the big red dot wasn't there it would look awesome!! I'm sure tons of people want to see his willy!

  16. I really think Dan is very HOT!!!
    It's not the size that matters it's the way they use it

  17. You do realize the pic is a fake, right? Lmao. ._.

  18. he is hot but thatt play was kinda disturbing... but whatever he is perfect 4 the part of harry potter so idk hez still cute! :)

  19. Daniel says that he feels as though being naked in a play or whatever is like a coming of age.

    "I didn't look at the nudity and go, oh great. But it's the same as doing a role with an accent or a particular affectation. You look at the character first. Lots of the actors that I've admired have at one stage or another taken their kit off. It's a rite of passage. That iconic scene is the physical and emotional climax of the play. So if I do that with pants on, it would be crap.

    I feel OK about my body. Not totally, of course, no one my age does ... but I've gone to the gym to make sure. And many of the actors I admire, like Gary Oldman, have gone naked."

    Oh and this picture isn't fake. He did this.
