Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So Troy Schulze decided to take me on by bashing my essay for an exhibit at Vine Street Studios "Red Velvet". Read his review here and my essay here. I don't care if you read either one, but I would like to ask if you might take a moment to help me fuck with this writer. Or if you agree with him, then why not write a letter agreeing with him? The more the merrier!

Email the Houston Press! Send a letter to the editor. They'll print it! I sent one already, but I sure could use your help! Wanna see mine? it's nice and sarcastic.

Dear Houston Press,

I find it flattering that I was so compelling in my essay "Red Velvet" that Troy Schulze found it useful to print large portions in his review "Disrobed". I am sorry he disagreed with my premise with such hostility, but a strong reaction is always the best reception a writer can hope for. I take exception to his characterization of Whitney Riley's paintings, "insipidness as a nurturing entity", and I believe the artist intended to mock didactic stereotypes of women today with her absurd juxtapositions of bikini-clad models and domestic interiors. Though he may write a bit concretely for art criticism; good luck with the journalism, Troy.

Sean Morrissey Carroll


  1. hooray.. sarcasm-tastic!!! by the way delicious blog.. i've gotten a little junkied out on it_


  2. thanks! i hope san antonio is treating you well. you should go out to the push cart derby Saturday, July 28 and say hi to cruz ortiz! he does art things out there; here's his myspace: http://myspace.com/dignowity
