Monday, July 16, 2007


Barbara Davis' top six galleries in Houston:
-in no particular order-

1. Texas

2. Devin Borden Hiram Butler

3. Finesilver

4. Inman

5. Mackey

6. Moody

Finesilver and Inman have good new shows- Mackey's on the move (check the link for a peek at their new conceptual building) and Moody's group show is curated by beach bum Galvestonian Clint W.

what do ya think? got your own list? post it on the comments! (you can post anonymously too!)


  1. With your interest in art and galleries, I thought you might enjoy this. Come on by if you have some time. Kurtz,


    Houston, Texas: International artist Kurtz will be displaying his latest canvas' at a one-man show called: ART FETISHES ABSINTHE. The work will be on display at the Heights Gallery (327 W. 19th Street Houston) on September 14th and 15th 2007 with a celebration and opportunity to meet the artist each day from 7pm-11pm.

    "I want people to enjoy this indulgent experience: come in costumes, celebrate your favorite fetish, drink lots of Absinthe. These pieces emulate classical imagery and modern sex Magick. The same should be said of those that attend."

    Kurtz, who once spent his days as a street preacher, turned away from his christian faith and chose a heretical path of using art not to emulate the religious experience, but to be a religion unto itself.

    "That is why I am an Alchemist. These paintings literally are filled with gold and silver, crushed into the paint as an example of how man, without a concern for the traditional monotheistic god, can be
    the cause of his own rebirth. From the lead of flesh into the gold of the spirit."

    For all his success as a professional artist, featured in the Dallas Morning News, Voice and Observer, with international sales in Russia, New Zealand, and Holland, Kurtz has had his share of controversy and negative press. Earlier this year, he created the Anna Nicole Art Show, an anti-POP "celebration" of the last 3 hours of her life. Whatever wasn't sold by the close of the show, was destroyed by himself and other viewers.

    "I had protesters, death threats and even a stalker. Some felt it was wrong for me to attack someone so soon after their death. Others turned out to be obsessed fans. It was the first time I ever had to
    arrange for security and personal protection at an art show."

    In addition to the paintings, there will be a live acoustic musical performance by Dallas band Hour of the Wolf ( who are touring in support of their new album, Beneath the Sign of Mars.

  2. ooh... absinthe. isn't that illegal?

  3. For this season, my top five favorites are:

    1. McClain gallery- has brought to Houston some of the best shows of the season such as Peter Halley and Louise Nevelson among others. Their current show China Now is an extraordinary collection of the dynamics of contemporary art in China.
    2. CTRL gallery- I Loved Group One. Specially the pieces by Beau Chamberlain and sculptures by Jane South.
    3. Sicardi gallery- has had the best shows by kinetic Latin American artist.
    4. Barbara Davis- always pleasant.
    5. Inman Gallery

    Hopefully the fall will be as exciting as the spring.
