Saturday, July 7, 2007

Everybody Goes Asian

The Chaney Family Collection has ignited interest in actually selling contemporary Asian art in Houston, the MFAH show this month showcases Robert Chaney's oil money art wealth and his penchant for Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese artists. This Houston collector is new to me- I have no idea if he's ever bought a piece by a Houston artist, but he lives out off Memorial Drive. Better than grandstanding for collectors from out of town; it's good to know if a Houston artist moves far away and gets famous they may be collected by this white guy. :)

All the galleries in town make the big push in July for Arthouston (not Artshouston), when they try to sell, sell, sell. This usually means lowest common denominator crap, so when seven or eight of the big names come up with conceptual Asian art to ride the museum wave, its nice to see them selling hype instead of bullshit.

Barbara Davis presents: Weihong, Li Wei and Huang Yan

Deborah Colton comes up with: China Under Construction: Contemporary Art from the Republic

McClain does: ! CHINA NOW !

New Gallery spins: New China

Devin Borden Hiram Butler goes with: Tam Van Tran- Holographic Ensemble

Finesilver spits: Young-Min Kang

Inman shows: dreaming, faraway

a month later CTRL gets in on the party with: To the Left

get your imported art while its hot!


  1. f.y.i. - galleries were asked to participate in the 'asia-fest' by chaney and the museum folks. though it is a little silly with asian-for-asian-sake events all over.
    keep it up!

  2. hah! that's some bullshit. can't blame them though. at least it didn't go as far as this:
