Saturday, September 6, 2008

2008 Texas Biennal Artists

They've all got TB...


Christie Blizard (Lubbock)
Justin Boyd (San Antonio)
Leigh Brodie
Susan Budge (San Antonio)
Marc Burckhardt (Austin)
Jeanne Cassanova (Houston)
Susan Cheal (Denton)
Catherine Colangelo (Houston)
Beau Comeaux (Houston)
Andy Coolquitt (Austin)
Paula Cox (San Antonio)
Adrienne Cullins (Austin)
Celia Eberle (Dallas)
Heyd Fontenot (Austin)
Angela Fox
Kana Harada
Jeannette Hernandez
Juan Hernandez
Simeen Ishaque (Dallas)
Jules Buck Jones (Austin)
Kathyrn Kelley (Houston)
Natalie Kleinecke
Helen Kwiatkowski (Belton)
Ryan Lauderdale (Austin)
Jane Lawrence
Paula Leighton
Anne Longo
Ivan Lozano (Austin)
Christa Mares (Austin)
Mona Marshall
Tom Matthews
Carolyn McAdams
Mary Morse
John Mulvany (Austin)
Olga Nicalaevna Porter
Katy O’Connor (Austin)
Dawn Okoro (Houston)
Kim Cadmus Owens
Harmony Padgett
Jamie Panzer (Austin)
Justin Parr (San Antonio)
Katie Pell (San Antonio)
Gladys Poorte (Austin)
Anila Quayyum Agha (Houston)
William Rosshirt (Austin)
Winter Rusiloski (Ft. Worth)
Cody Scrogum (Austin)
Charlotte Smith
Morgan Sorne ( Austin)
Keith Allyn Spencer (El Paso)
John Spriggins
Mary Stengel
Raychael Stine (Dallas)
Barry Stone
John Swanger
James Talbot
Terri Thomas (Austin)
Raymond Uhlir (Austin)
Paul Valadez
Kelli Vance (Houston)
Marilyn Waligore (Dallas)
Jade Walker (Austin)
Vivian Wolfe

outdoor projects

Ryah Christensen (Austin)
Bill Davenport (Houston)
Sasha Dela (Houston)
Buster Graybill (Huntsville)
Ken Little (San Antonio)
Colin McIntyre (Austin)
Jill Pangallo (Austin)

So wha'dya think?

via glasstire

The Latest from Elsewhere

Jim let's 'em know what he thinks

Elsewhere, Texas... no, not really.

In New York, the CUE Foundation show for Notsuoh maven Jim Pirtle turned into a blowout party! The only hiccup to the night was when one drugged out Notsuoh regular passed out in the middle of performing and had to be taken to the hospital! Just like any other night at Jim's!
(Click HERE for the cracked out artist statement)

Sharon Engelstein's Soft Head (shown here in NYC) was the best thing at the Big Block last night according to Juan and Marcia, and tonight they're off to Dallas for Aaron Parazette's solo show! Have fun in the crappiest city in the world y'all!

Otabenga Jones' good friend Robert Pruitt is enjoying the view from Northwestern, freezing his ass off in that 60 degree weather. I couldn't imagine. I would wear so many sweaters. The Houston native has accepted an offer to be a visiting artist in the Chicago school for the next year. Good luck, yo!

V sez:

Hey b.s.,

Just wanted to let you know about this interesting event at FotoFest on Saturday at 2pm.
The current exhibit, Mechanical Perception, opens this Friday (please see attached press release). On Saturday afternoon we have scheduled an artist talk with Anderson Wrangle and Eileen Maxson.
Anderson will be speaking in the gallery but Eileen will address attendees via thee World Wide Web and the wonders of iChat from Amsterdam where she is doing a long-term residency.
Should be fun – if it works (and we have been testing it extensively).
We’d love to see you here – and to see this news on your blog…

In other news:
I wanted to let you know that we are working on the third exhibition in the Talent in Texas series, following Home and Garden (2004) and Native Sons (2006).

The new exhibit, Viewfinder, looks to be a bigger and bolder show than its predecessors. It will feature over a dozen Texas-based artists and is curated by Arturo Palacios (Arthouse, Austin) and Risa Puelo (Blanton Museum of Art, Austin). The exhibit is a first-time collaboration between FotoFest and Houston Center for Photography (HCP) and is split between the two locations. A final list of artists will be announced shortly.
Along with the Mechanical Perception exhibit opening this Friday, it is a fall full of contemporary Texas photographic arts at FotoFest.

Please contact me if you have any question.

Thank you,

Los Exhibiciones del Sabado

Missing Pig

Well all the openings shift north from Montrose to the Heights today, so instead of the Big Block it's the 11th Street crew. Redbud has Brian Maguire, who's Irish so he might be cool. Post-apocalyptic painting, really. G Gallery has Carter Ernst, one of those Houston artists who has been working with scrap metal and expressionism since the 80s. And the New Kid on the Block, Neu-haus, has Paul Kittleson, one of the first artists to exhibit at Buffalo Bayou Art Park and a player in many an artists' lives.

If you're at the corner of Montrose and Bissonett early on there's new work up at the Jung Center- where the art is as hippie as you think it is. Lisa Qualls throws around her archetypes n' shit. If you're around there later, then the MFAH will be loud. Go late, very, very late. It's better then. It doesn't have anything to do with art, but they might let you walk through the John Al.. oh, wait that's closed. Well they might have the Cheney's Endg... oh. They got paranoid at the unwashed masses near their fancy stuff? Oh. Well... maybe they'll just put it on the lawn.

After party back up on 19th Street in the Heights!

September and a high of 85? Sweet.

negligence with a side of cronyism

"In return for receiving stories first, the NYT provides coverage. 
The obverse of the rule is also abundantly clear: 
If the NYT doesn't discover major arts news stories first, it doesn't report on them."

Hmmmm... let me see... does this mean that cronyism is about to be called out

in the galleries and magazines and museum and art collections?

I kind of doubt it, but I'm glad Modern Art Notes has finally touched the elephant in the room.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

August 18

August 18

we made a video for the A/V Swap. I uploaded it.
w/ Erin Kidwell and Eric Todd

I'm On Fire

...and so is I Love You, Baby
via DTS

This weekend is friggin' nuts. Too expensive on gas! You guys gotta slow down or start opening galleries in the same neighborhood. The weather after Gustav blew through has blossomed into perfection, the fever has finally broken in Houston.

Britt from the Chron and Glasstire have both slammed out their fall previews (albeit with very different scopes) and they both say go see Paul Kittleson.

Between the three art listers around there is a full slate for the first weekend of September, glasstire sez 5 openings on Friday and 3 on Saturday, spacetaker has 7 on Friday and 4 Saturday and artshound is just a retarded website that has 51 gallery listings for Friday and 54 for Saturday.

Of course, fuck those guys. This is what's happening, and I don't care if I'm being redundant-ant.

El Deseo, Begona Egurbide


First off, you've gotta hit up the Big Block. They shut their doors on time, aka 1/2 hour after it ends, so there's no going back after you get distracted somewhere else. Anya Tish has photoshop de espana, Barbara Davis has space cadet Joe Mancuso's resin-collage-Mary Heilmann-nuttiness. Perfect for the drugged-out (you should be). Joan Wich has Tracy Weir, no Tracye Wear, and encaustic homes. Peel Shop hosts Sharon Engelstein and her inflatable sculpture with Soft Head. FYI- Wade Wilson is selling concrete these days. Check out the James Surls candy in the back at BD and Frank Tolbert + Jeanne Casanova at JW!

CourtTV Unknown, Eileen Maxson

8ish pm

Eileen is in the show at Fotofest. Ariana Roesch is throwing Mechanical Perceptions all over online, and it is a great accomplishment to corral Stephen Hillerbrandt and Toby Kamps into curating a show with you, but this gallerist's daughter is gonna have more impact with her new gallery opening later this month. (more about that later) Mech Percep seems like a 50/50 split, with Maxson and Soody Sharifi on one side and Brian Piana and Anderson Wrangle on the other (Mei-Mei Liem straddles the fence- who the hell is she?) one good, one boring- you decide which side is which.

Le Dernier Combat (1983)

2 minutes before 10pm

Domy detonates Luc Bresson's first film and the uber-horrible Deadly Reactor with a Post-Apocalyptic double feature. Hilarity ensues. Shepard Fairey and Barry McGee headline Big Kids/Little Kids, a show curated by John Freeborn (totally a fake name) traveling between Philly, NYC, LA, Screwston and Raleigh. Oh yeah, there's a book too.

Plus... Marcus says that his new band Chin Xaou Ti Won is really good. And so are his cheeses.

Melissa Miller, Red Pony

extra credit

The Art League Houston brings this year's Texas Artist of the Year to Houston. Why would I say bring her to Houston? Because I've never heard of her.

Saturday Tomorrow!

Pics from Heroes Alter Egos at Space 125

UUPA Crust Collective; (r-l)
Lance Flowers, Michael Kahlil Taylor, Robert Hodge, Lovie Olivia

The Adventures of Barack Vol. 1, Robert Hodge

Grand Theft, Robert Hodge

Untitled, Michael Kahlil Taylor

American Hero, UUPA Crust Collective

Lovie Olivia

Port Arthur (Robert Rauschenberg/ Pimp C.), Lance Flowers

Heroes Alter Egos
Space 125
Screwston, Texas
through October 17th

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fighting Smart

bayoudawn has a suggestion for fixing Houston's measly recycling rate. In response to the city's purchase of a million dollar trash sorter he wants 50 grand to encourage Houstonians to recycle.

Weapons of choice? More paper!

Why not defer that purchase for six months and spend $50,000
on an ad campaign that harnesses the graffiti vandals artists...
Give the folks over at Aerosol Warfare a call to help you set up
a submission process for public service posters promoting recycling.

Ben Tecumseh DeSoto on the cover of the Free Press

Ben Tecumseh DeSoto
Understanding Poverty

Opening September 12th
Friday 6-8 pm

Screwston in New York! September 4th Edition

Big News!

Houston is cool enough to own New York for about a few hours on one day per year.

originally, at the turn of the 19th century, Notsuoh was the name of a local drunken festival
September 4th, 6-8 pm
CUE Foundation
The Art Guys curate
an exhibit of Jim Pirtle's stuff, Notsuoh's debris and Houston's soul

The Language of Love, Robert Smith, 2006
September 4th, 9-11 pm
A/V Swap
VideoTime invades the Angelika Theater in the East Village for
The A/V Swap 2008

Service With a Smile

Jen Bryan reviews the new DUAL show at Aerosol Warfare for Artshouston

Were you there?
mixed pics from case

Arty Party

I must post this...
the power of silly ambiguous quotes by reporters compels me...

hahahahaha thanks joey

also... late, late night gallery hopping

DEBRIS: Honey Pot

bubblegum, Tria Wood

(with apologies to Mary Magsamen & Stephan Hillerbrand)

Seeing a lot of attempts to eviscerate the Lawndale Art Center for this summer’s Big Show makes me happy. Go ahead, talk about it! Complain that worthy artist were left out, and how below-grade artwork made it in. Scrutinize, criticize, ridicule and spit on others. Anyone whose work was in the show will call you out on your territorial pissing. They may even cite a few inaccuracies in your story, note contradictory statements out of context or stake their own claim to relevance. Maybe you guys should just blog about it you know. If everyone forgets your little drunken rant at Boondocks then where do you go? The dude who wrote “quite possibly one of the most horrific group shows I have ever seen” squandered his chance to elaborate, why should you? Positive and negative it all goes into Google, the modern melting pot- since this century isn’t any closer to national reconciliation. Sharpen your boots and bludgeon your eyes, y’all. Start something and unless you’re in the street slingin’ wheatpaste you’re not doing enough. We can’t hear you.

Why don’t you take a shot at taking down the Psychedelic Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich store front facades at Lawndale this month? Mary Magsamen and Stephan Hillerbrand would appreciate it. These two have been pumping out video and experimental work for the last decade, a husband and wife duo with a penchant for transcendental smoothies. If you’re actually into that kind of stuff, take a whack at Judith Cottrell and Alex Lopez’s minimal sculpture and shaped canvasses. How the hell can minimalism survive in the 21st century? could be your title. Come on, take it. It’s free.

Whatever you do don’t even think of criticizing (Re)vision by Shannon Duncan. What could you have to say about documenting the destruction of history in Houston’s inner loop? Are the mementos of crushed livelihoods not heart wrenching enough for you, you heartless bastard? Anyway, she’s already got you beat to the interwebs, having documented twenty-two zip codes worth of territory already at Besides, she has tons of Polaroids, and that’s cooler than school. All exhibits on view through September 27th at 4912 Main Street. Lawndale is open Monday through Saturday during the day until 5 pm.

The school of thought that keeps capitalism percolation is democracy. We can always pull on them bootstraps to even out the playing field right? Well the same thing goes for elections and electives y’all, and art is a smoky back room game if there ever was one. Want to learn, grow and evolve? Get writing. Take pictures. Learn a little HTML. It’s not so hard and it’ll always be there for ya. In fact I am hooked up intravenously to electrical currents 24-7 that give me painful shocks if I forget to post something on the internet every three minutes. It really hurts and I want to kill myself, but at least I’m ahead of the curve, right?

Much Love NOLA

For the City of New Orleans, where we should all be in November

for P.1, the largest biennial in America,

for empty houses and flooded streets,

we all love you, and Houston sends its Jim Love

we all rebuild, we all reuse

Much Love, y'all...

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Beth sees the bright side of life in the MFAH's Endgame

Oh the tangled interweb we weave... a charity asks for Perez Hilton to pay them 25 grand... Bush falls down a well

Cougars (no not Sarah Palin) trash Southern by more than 50 points... maybe that guy Art will be sad he went to go live in Waco (he made it very hard to google "houston art" for a while)

Performative Art Lab is giving me flashbacks... I'm glad I can recognize myself on video

Trying to fill seats, free tickets to Rock the Bayou were all over the internet this weekend... Guerra sez "It was, despite my better judgment, fun."

David Addicks keeps up appearances... in Montrose and on the 45 freeway but no word on last year's Beatles promise... HAIF waxes on for three pages of comments ...dirtyfeet brings him up in passing

John Stewart stops by "Mount Rushmore"... Everett visits Nestor Topchy... Houston's designers vie for Top Design

Free Press represent! Jermaine Rogers, the illustrator who did at least 20 covers for the only pro-Palestinian paper in Houston, is doing well in Colorado

The chron forgets how to write

The Bayou City Art Festival had better watch out who they trust

Photographer William Panzer is a thief... selling a Give Up graffiti work as a "Poster campaign for cocaine drug addiction", the stained glass Christ in the new downtown cathedral and - you guessed it- David Addicks