Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Latest from Elsewhere

Jim let's 'em know what he thinks

Elsewhere, Texas... no, not really.

In New York, the CUE Foundation show for Notsuoh maven Jim Pirtle turned into a blowout party! The only hiccup to the night was when one drugged out Notsuoh regular passed out in the middle of performing and had to be taken to the hospital! Just like any other night at Jim's!
(Click HERE for the cracked out artist statement)

Sharon Engelstein's Soft Head (shown here in NYC) was the best thing at the Big Block last night according to Juan and Marcia, and tonight they're off to Dallas for Aaron Parazette's solo show! Have fun in the crappiest city in the world y'all!

Otabenga Jones' good friend Robert Pruitt is enjoying the view from Northwestern, freezing his ass off in that 60 degree weather. I couldn't imagine. I would wear so many sweaters. The Houston native has accepted an offer to be a visiting artist in the Chicago school for the next year. Good luck, yo!

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